Redhead Fangirl

Monday, May 1

Oddfellows referrals

Wizard World Philly is about one month away. Besides seeing Rags Morales and friends at Geek Boy, Markosia Publishers and Welcome Back comics, the guest list wasn't popping. But they added Geoff Johns -- one of the nicer and more attractive comic men in the realm. And I missed Jim Lee at the NY con-- dare me to start a dust up over the All Star Barman and Robin and the inherent sexism in the art? If anyone out there will be at WWPhilly, let me know!

Referrals that led people here in April--
david/son of dorks
interesting word for a redhead
"bad librarianship"
older thirty redhead woman
greatest questions known to me
burt ward beefcake
why am I so attracted to redheads?
red sonja cosplay
redheads hot tempered more passionate
a rabbit who has a sexy girlfriend with red hair
blue eyed redhead
suicide fangirls gyllenhaal
the last man belial
green guy redhead facial
above the influence ads
red hair violence gene {I wanna know who asked this so I can throw a plate at them!}


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Mark Kardwell said...

Hold on... someone googled me, and got through to you?! What a rip!

At 4:18 AM, Blogger Rae said...

Who are these people looking for such strange stuff??????


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