Redhead Fangirl

Friday, April 14

Brringg! Wall Street Journal calling.

Show my motto!

I checked my cell messages as I was walking into work at my library. A reporter for the Wall Street Journal was writing about comics and advertising, and thought I'd be a good person to talk to (score!). As I juggled my stuff, I deleted the message. But, that's what missed calls is for right? Anyway, I had to use my librarian skills to find the news desk #-- and called the 212 New York number. A very New York lady answered, and directed my call to the reporter.

I usually get asked about how women are portrayed in comics, what it's like to be a girl in the comic I was ready to talk about comic ads in that context.

But the story was on Product Placement in Comics. I asked if this was related to any specific title, but he said, not yet. My jill-on-the-spot comments were essentially that I don't really like wink-wink drink sprite overarching stuff, but I can imagine in a comic if a teen was using an Ipod, the brand name would make sense. And it is about the strength of the art and writing as always.

Not sure if they will even use my quotes, but fingers crossed I might make a national paper!


At 7:52 PM, Blogger Rae said...

That is so cool! You'll have to let us know if you make the article!

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Skeptics take note: my prediction is already starting to come true. But promise you'll remember your early supporters when you become "queen bee" of the comics world, won't you?

At 6:20 PM, Blogger RedheadFangirl said...

rab, still a total worker drone in comicland. redheads just happen to get attention/cause trouble! I tried to nicely post regarding your prediction..


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