Lots of free comics today! Did you know that "Free Comic Day" is free for us, but not for the comic store owners? They do pay for all the comics we scarf up.
The end of Infinite Crisis and the start of Civil War. Infinitely Civil? Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end....
Infinite Crisis 7I guess I lean more toward the DC Universe than the Marvel one. It was the years of watching Superfriends, Batman and Superman movies. However, there are still many characters and histories that I'm just starting to grasp (Flashes, Green Lanterns, Superboy). I do get off on the big two page spreads of all the heroes in flight or in motion. You have to say you get a bang for your bucks here-- some of the pages had 8 panels,and insets, and then the words! Geoff Johns goes for the big strokes here, lots of catch phrases "You're road kill!" and "I need more power" and "take to the skies". In a grand Earth changing series, I suppose that makes sense. And it was an all out fight, but I thought there were just a few too many bloody fist and blood covered face panels.
There was a quick tie in to the Villians United special- "the society opened every metahuman prison". Simone did a great job with that one, as we expect.
And I liked the "You shouldn't exist Powergirl. Trillions were erased. But you slipped through the cracks" [how the hell can Kara slip through anything?] At least near the end, in a big weepy scene, only her face is shown, and not just her chest.
I think the weekly 52 series, having 4 major writers and many artists, is still a very ambitious gambit. A year without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman? Well, maybe this will let my beloved Oracle become even more important. And Nightwing isn't dead, is he? They just left him bloody in the Alex-Batman fight.
Civil War 1Today I heard a guy in the comic store say "I hate Mark Millar". I don't have that strong a sentiment about his writing. I do think that this series dips a bit too close to the real world- reality TV, political registrations, badges and reform.
As a librarian, I think the "turn us into to civil servants?"-- as if that is the worst horror- was pretty funny. The paperwork and perserverance it takes to get in the civil servant system can take superhuman powers!
"This is the start of the witch hunts,honey"
"Who's been telling kids for years that they can live outside the law as long as they wear tights?"
Daredevil: This is the end of the way we do business. You can smell it in the air.
But, Captain America is one of the "rebels" against the superhero registration act? Reed Richards, Tony Stark...against Luke Cage, and Daredevil. Spider-man seems like more of a fence sitter.
"The plan will split us down the middle". We have 6 more parts to show us exactly how the superheros will be split up. Hopefully Joe Q doesn't make Mary Jane a sacrifice in this Civil War.