Redhead Fangirl

Thursday, July 24

This week

What have I been doing this week? Working, taking spin class, watching SYTYCD, Project Runway, doing WiiFit, getting in my pool, and reading a book called Beautiful Boy. (I always read addiction books)
Did pick up a stack of books from Comic Lair to read soon, including the new Hellcat and Penguin #1.

Mice Templar a cartoon series!
Mike Oeming and Bryan Glass series gets animated...good for them! Both were guests at the last MidJersey Comicon.

The Exterminators - Vertigo title- on Showtime

Torchwood Season 3 is a go! Will it still have Captain Jack, Ionto and Gwen? The loss of Owen and Tosh were very devastating to the team this year.

Doctor Who Comicon panel

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At 3:35 PM, Blogger Richard said...

You have a pool? Um...can I be your friend? ;-)

At 11:48 AM, Blogger RedheadFangirl said...

You are mi amigo!


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