Redhead Fangirl

Wednesday, February 7


All: please wish good thoughts for my poor kitty, Fredo, now at the animal hospital. He has to stay a few days. He's just the best kitty.

I like seeing the comments to my previous post on where people get their comics. Comment if you haven't yet!

Worst. Cover. Ever part 9
A real eye-lemon from Liefeld at Mark Engblom's site.

Another insider comic blog
called although it currently says "belted with gamma rays".
Comicsmix will offer "the latest talking points in the entertainment universe." He says the site's comics coverage will focus on how the medium is growing beyond the hardcore comics fan and attracting general readers.

Hey! Some actual reviews:
Just picked up 52 weeks 39 and 40, but did catch up to 37. Just did the math and realized by the end of 52, I will have spent $130 this year on this comic. There should be some trade in where I get one bound book for giving my 52 floppies in. Or DC should make a board of all of us who bought every issue. Issue 37 was the Supernova revealed! issue. Booster unravels the story from how the lab had clues everywhere to what was going on with Skeets. His arrogance was exaggerated, and jealousy at Supernova to misdirect. Huh. As we all know with comics, hang on and dead is never dead. Usually.

I also liked the Ollie and Dinah discussion that references her going "East to learn new skills", a tie-in to Shiva and Birds of Prey (and an insider conversation I understood! Yes!). And Animal Man was left behind, left for dead, but dead is never dead...

Birds of Prey 102
The Lois Lane and Barbara Gordon sit down was good, with Lois fishing for info, but leaving wtih "someone powerful seems to rather dislike you." Misfit Batgirl tries to run home base, and ends up just jumping wildly into the pic. Not sure what to think of her, but she does add comic relief. Manhunter is questioned. The team is just beginning, and I don't yet have a feel for all the characters. But Simone can make me root for them, I know it.

New Lost tonight.

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At 5:56 PM, Blogger ShoreTurtle said...

I hope that SuperKitty gets better soon.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Gordon D said...

Dax (my kitty) and I send Superkitty our best wishes.

At 3:19 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Sending out positive healing vibes to Fredo kitty!

At 3:57 AM, Blogger running42k said...

Good luck Super kitty

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Nothing but good thoughts for Fredo here.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a speedy Freedo recovery!

Oh, and thanks for linking to my thoughts on the Robster. Much appreciated!

At 3:28 PM, Blogger phillygirl2873 said...

Aww! Fredo! I hope he gets better. I think Yuengling and Angel need to send him a get well soon card.


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